The Trust Factor
CHF 280.00 incl. TVA
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The Trust Factor: Values-Based Management
Managers and leaders are busy people, and sometimes interpersonal crises in the workplace take us by surprise. ‘Never saw it coming’ has happened to just about every manager at some point and trust can take a beating – in oneself, in bilateral relationships, in teams, and organizationally. This training offers a unique opportunity to hone in on how to assess, cultivate, maintain, rebuild (and even just talk about) trust in the workplace, notably at the level of teams. Trust is often mistaken for an ‘all or nothing’, monolithic yet elusive quality of teams, over which we have little to no control. This experiential training offers managers and leaders a deep dive into the science of trust, and a pathway to become ‘trust fluent’ and ‘trust competent’ in their own management of workplace relationships (even towards hierarchy). We explore how, and build the confidence, knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become a trust factor in the work place. By working through personal values and linking them to organizational values and principles; identifying and handling limiting ideas, judgements, and unconscious biases; skilfully creating and fostering psychological safety; and creating a safe space for dialogue, this training brings a heightened form of values-based management that directly impacts professional well-being, leadership skills, and even work performance.
What you gain: Trust competency and fluency is gained. A personal action plan for trust in the workplace allows for immediate application of the knowledge and skills. As a manager and leader, self-confidence in one’s role is built.
Who should attend? Anyone who manages people and wants to have a deeper sense of purpose in managing. Particularly useful for new managers.
What format is used? The course begins with a short inventory of one’s personal experiences and aims as a manager or leader. Then, four half-day sessions are conducted over the course of one month. Each session is followed by a ‘mission of the week’, where observation exercises or direct application of skills are undertaken. Short readings are also provided to enhance the experience. We begin with what participants bring – experience – and build on the collective intelligence of the groups. Each participant ends the session with a personal action plan. Generally in person, online sessions may also be offered on demand.
What is the length? Four half day sessions, once per week for one month. COVID-19 regulations will be applied as necessary for these in-person sessions.
What languages are used? Separate sessions for English speakers and French speakers are available.
*This training is currently offered to State of Geneva managers. Bespoke Trust Factor training sessions can be tailored for in-house delivery.