Time to Think

CHF 280.00 incl. TVA

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Time to Think: Foundation Course

When is the last time someone listened to you fully, without interrupting, until you went as far and as deep as you could in your own thinking? We think we need to offer solutions when people come to us for counsel, but often the solution is there already within but the environment in which our thinking can reach the solution never presents itself. Nancy Kline’s ‘The Thinking Environment’ is a radical and transformational form of attention and listening that empowers and autonomizes those who experience it. This Foundation Course, co-facilitated with an accredited ‘Time to Think’ facilitator, offers the basic tenets (known as the Ten Components of a Thinking Environment®) and will offer the experiential learning for participants to master the basic bilateral and group applications for providing a Thinking Environment and operating within it.

What you gain: After the workshop, you will be able to utilize the foundational techniques of the Thinking Environment and grasp the application of the basic tenets. You will be able to continue practising the bilateral application (Thinking Pairs), and apply group formats (Dialogue, Rounds, Meetings, etc.) so that you can offer those around you the best opportunity to think for themselves with imagination, courage and grace.

Who should attend? Coaches, counsellors, ombudspersons, facilitators, managers/team leaders, teachers, parents, partners.

What format is used? These in person workshops comprise a balanced mix of explanatory, practise, and exchange. Prior to the workshop, a short reading assignment is sent to participants. Online sessions may also be offered occasionally.

What is the length? The full Foundation Course is a two-day training, with ample breaks. Coffee and snacks are provided. COVID-19 regulations will be applied as necessary for these in-person sessions. For online sessions, a format of two full days or half day sessions weekly are offered on demand.

What languages are used? In 2023, English sessions are offered. French sessions will be offered starting early 2024.